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Beverage Recipes

Bacon Ice Cream and Coke Float


An unusual, but enjoyable combination!

What You Need

Bacon Ice Cream and Coke Float


  1. Place bacon in a preheated oven until crispy. Place cream in a plastic container and add the hot cooked bacon, place in fridge and allow to infuse for 24 hours. The next day, place the yolks, sugar, salt and vanilla in a bowl and whisk until pale yellow. Heat cream to a simmer and 1 cup at a time whisk into the yolk mixture. If you add all at once the eggs will curdle. Place custard back into pot and over medium heat bring to 185 degrees Fahrenheit. Strain custard and cool over an ice bath to speed the cooling process. Using an ice cream machine, spin the custard per the manufacturer's instructions. Once spun, transfer the ice cream to a container and place in freezer to set up. Once solid, scoop ice cream into a tall glass and fill with Coca-Cola.
Cooking time (duration)

TOTAL TIME: 2 hr 30 min Prep Time: 1 hr 30 min Cook Time: 1 hr

Number of servings (yield)

6 servings




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