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Lunchtime Recipes

Coca-Cola Korean Beef Tacos


Slow cooker recipe

What You Need

Coca-Cola Korean Beef Tacos


  1. Combine all ingredients except for onions and beef in bowl and set aside. If using slow cooker with a saute function, brown beef on each side first (or brown on all sides in skillet and transfer to slow cooker).
  2. Saute the onions in beef drippings (in skillet or slow-cooker with saute function).
  3. Combine all ingredients in slow cooker and cook on low for eight hours. If you're strapped for time, simply throw everything directly in the slow cooker and flip the switch to low.
Cooking time (duration)

TOTAL TIME: 8 hr 20 min Prep Time: 20 min Cook Time: 8 hr




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